Adding Disk to diskgroup and resize of volume with added disk
Remember, in previous post, we have two disks one utilized for /u04/acfstest which is 1.8gb, now am going to add another disk to the existing group which it can increase upto 4gb.
I got /dev/oracleasm/disks/ACFSDISK2
First check what is the size of current /u04/acfstest mount.
Its 1.8GB
Add disk to existing diskgroup ACFS
Check in v$asm_disk
Disk added, now check the size of the asm diskgroup by executing lsdg in asmcmd
Showing 4gb
Now resize at OS level also using acfsutil or volresize in asmcmd.
acfsutil size +2G –d /dev/asm/acfstest-487 /u04/acfstest
Now, /u04/acfstest showing 4g instead of 2g
As discussed, resize of disks or add storage does not effect and doesn’t need downtime and does not need storage admin help too.
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