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Grid Control: Configuring targets in grid control

Once the grid agent has been installed on target servers, we have to log to Grid control and configure the targets located by the agent,
in order to collect the metrics by agent and upload to OMS, (typically dbnsmp password etc to be provided) other wise the in GUI you will see metric collection errors

We have two options to configure the metric collections for the targets

Option 1:- Log to grid control and click on databases and then click on your respective database,
Go to Target --> Databases --> Select your database target --> Configure.
At a minimum, update DBSNMP password and verify/change listener port.

If the database to be configured is not shown in the list of available targets,
Click Add Database, provide HOST name and OEMGC will discover all databases on that host.

Some times you do not have a sysman password or the authentication password to log into OMS, in this cases you can use manual approach via emcli by logging into target server where you want to configure. Here is the second option.

Option 2:- Configure the targets manually via command line using emcli config agent
1) $AGENT_HOME/emctl config agent list_targets, identify the targets known to that agent

From the list target, pick the name of the target and type and use in step 2 below.
For Example:-
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl config agent list_targets
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Release 1 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
[targetserver:3872, oracle_emd]
[CRS_11g_Prod, cluster]
[targetserver, host]
[11gr2_RAC1, oracle_database]
[+ASM1_targetserver, osm_instance]
[TEST_TEST, oracle_database]
[LISTENER_targetserver_targetserver, oracle_listener]
[LISTENER_targetserver0_targetserver, oracle_listener]

2) Config agent credentials for target type oracle_database
(though they were rac_database , configure under oracle_database target type only)

Rac Node 2: Instance TEST1
./emctl config agent credentials TEST_TEST1:oracle_database
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Release 1 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Name = TEST_TEST, Type = oracle_database
Want to change for "UserName" (y/n):n
Want to change for "password" (y/n):y
Enter the new value for "password" :********
Re-enter the new value for "password" :********
EMD reload completed successfully

Rac Node 2: Instance TEST2

./emctl config agent credentials TEST_TEST2:oracle_database
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Release 1 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Name = TEST_TEST, Type = oracle_database
Want to change for "UserName" (y/n):n
Want to change for "password" (y/n):y
Enter the new value for "password" :********
Re-enter the new value for "password" :********
EMD reload completed successfully

Non - RAC database RAC1
./emctl config agent credentials 11gr2_RAC1:oracle_database
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Release 1 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Name = TEST_TEST, Type = oracle_database
Want to change for "UserName" (y/n):n
Want to change for "password" (y/n):y
Enter the new value for "password" :********
Re-enter the new value for "password" :********

Geek DBA

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