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Quiz Post #7: Get sql trace without reexecuting it – 11g DBMS_SQLDIAG

In general you will need to set the SQL trace or events (10046,10053) and run the problematic query and can obtain the sql execution statistics to trace files.



11g SQL Monitoring: Real Time sql monitoring


I have got a chance to speak about this nice cool feature in an other practical demo session to my colleagues, but few questions on the same remind to post and read something on this.

Typically as usual my post flow, What, How, How to, Important note?

What is SQL Monitoring?

If a query […]

Performance Tuning: Oracle Top Wait events, Causes, Resolutions


In case you want to know more about Oracle Wait events please read here

What are the causes for those wait event and how you can troubleshoot and resolve the same was neatly written in this document.

This document is very good, structured (apologies I do not remember the source and who written it,  […]

Dynamic Sampling: Use,Levels,10g-11g behavior,

We all know that Oracle Optimizer use object statistics to determine the cost of accessing that object. What if, if that object has missed statistics or the columns or the

Hence Oracle introduced Dynamic sampling in 9i and has changed significantly through 11g.


Dynamic sampling augments missing or insufficient optimizer statistics. Using dynamic sampling […]

Cardinality Feedback: What is it? When it will be used? 10g vs 11g

What is cardinality?

CBO estimate of the number of rows produced by a row source or combination of row sources.

What are different types of cardinality?


Cardinality represents the number of rows in a row set. Here, the row set can be a base table, a view, or the result of a join […]

12c Database: OOW Updates

The following may appear in the upcoming release Oracle 12c database.

Architecture in 12c: Multitenant Database , container CDB.

Indexing in 12c: Allows multiple index on same column definition , appealing but not confirmed yet.

Partitioning in 12c: Online move of partition, multiple partition merge in one go, partial indexing, interval reference partitioning

Identity columns […]

SQL Performance Analyzer: Compare two workloads using DBMS_SPA


The following Sql performance analyzer procedure helps you to create a comparison report of multiple runs.

This will especially useful when there is a major change in application for example: Application release, or Database optimizer settings changes etc.


Step 1: Adjust the snapshot collection interval accordingly to 15 mins, the default is […]

Switching on/off bug fixes / patches

From 10g onwards there is a hidden parameter _fix_control that can be used to turn off/on a particular bug fix. (Be sure, this is hidden parameter and as usual note changing hidden parameters must be done after consulting Oracle)

For example, a patch 5483301 has been recently applied to the database using opatch, and after […]

Quiz Post #5: Restore statistics and history facts

Q1. Can we get old statistics restored for an object for example for a index or a table ?

Yes we can get the old statistics restored from Oracle version 10g onwards.However, if you use ANALYZE for statistics collection in 10g, automatic saving is not possible.

Q2. If so, where do the statistics history stored […]

11g RAC Interview questions available now.


Updated 11g Rac questions and answers and enabled link at Interviewquestions page.

Want to know new features in 12c, 18c, 19c, 20c ??? Follow this

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