Yesterday My colleague has encountered the following issue, which is interesting.
1) Linux & 10g Database
2) Oracle Block size =8192
3) OS Block/Page size = 4096
Issue:- ORA-01200: actual file size of X is smaller than correct size of Y
1) Database was not opening (non system datafile)
2) DBV says no corruption
3) Can create a control file but a long procedure
4) No archive log mode (no media recovery possible)
5) Apparently a new datafile, assuming a lesser objects resides in it.
6) Another assumption , my datafile is not in good state in terms of datafile header not by the original data.
So with the last assumption makes me to try something odd, as I know there is no other way and no backup I have, just to play with it.
After of course googling for right commands I started suggesting to my friend
1) Create a copy of original file to some other place
2) Create a empty file using
a) dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/desired/big/file count=1024
b) vi the file jst add lines lines until you required size
Use mkfile [-nv] size [k| b| m] filename
Use prealloc
Windows: Batch script for input the required and original size.
#include <File.au3>
Global $file1 = InputBox("ORA-01200", "File to increase", "c:oracleoradatacmlocallobts1.dbf")
Global $size = Number(InputBox("ORA-01200", "Required size (bytes)", 4142653440))
_FileWriteLog (@ScriptDir & "ORA-01200.log", FileGetSize($file1) - $size)
While FileGetSize($file1) < $size
FileWrite($file1, Chr(32))
_FileWriteLog (@ScriptDir & "ORA-01200.log", FileGetSize($file1) - $size)
_FileWriteLog (@ScriptDir & "ORA-01200.log", FileGetSize($file1) - $size)
3) Now my two files a) original file b) diff size file (i.e empty file with different size) are ready let append/concatenate those using
cat original.dbf diff.dbf >> original1.dbf
4) Rename the original1.dbf to your original.dbf
5) Try to restart your database, if not opening due to media recovery you can use parameter _allow_resetlogs_corruption=true –> to bypass the media recovery and open resetlogs.
This may work only in cases of the data intact and just header need to be updated.
Geek DBA
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