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11gR2 RAC: Important Trace Directories & Log Locations


Please find the structured 11gR2 GI Clusterware log locations and its relevancy.

Directory structured (Source: Oracle Documentation)


Log Locations

Trace File 11gR2 Trace Location Description
Kernel syslog file Vendor-specific, e.g. /var/log/syslog/* OS or vendor clusterware events, including node reboot times
CSS logs <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/cssd Oracle Clusterware cluster synchronization services (CSS)To get more tracing, issue `crsctl set css trace 2` as root
CRS logs <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/crsd Oracle Clusterware cluster ready services (CRS) management and HA policy tracing; one log per RAC host
EVM logs <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/evmd Oracle Clusterware event management layer tracing; one log per RAC host
OHAS logs(11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/ohasd Oracle High Availability service daemon; one log per RAC host
MDNS logs(11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/mdnsd Multicast Domain Name Service Daemon; one log per RAC host.
GPNP logs(11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/gpnpd Grid Plug and Play Daemon; one log per RAC host.
DISKMON logs(11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/diskmon Disk Monitor daemon; one log per RAC host.
CTSS logs(11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/ctssd Cluster Time SynchronizationService (CTSS); one log per RAC host.
SRVM logs <CRSHome>/srvm/log OCR tracing; to get more tracing, edit mesg_logging_level in srvm/admin/ocrlog.ini file; one log per RAC host
RDBMS logs Depends on your setting, do a “show parameters dump_dest” under sqlplus prompt RDBMS trace files, bdump/ cdump/ & udump/
ASM logs Depends on your setting, do a “show parameters dump_dest” under sqlplus prompt ASM trace files, bdump/ cdump/ & udump/
CRSD oraagent Logs (11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/agent/crsd/oraagent_<crs admin username> Oracle agent (oraagent), which was known as RACG in 11R1.
CRSD orarootagent Logs (11R2 only) <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>/agent/crsd/orarootagent_<crs admin username> Oracle root agent (orarootagent), which manages crsd resources owned by root, such as network, vip and scan vip


Geek DBA

1 comment to 11gR2 RAC: Important Trace Directories & Log Locations

  • Abdul Taher

    Thanks Geek.

    One more Request can you provide 12C log and directories structure or information.