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Oracle 23ai New Features

Oracle 23ai is made generally available and it has got 300+ new features including AI related.

Here is the list of new features from Oracle Blog (Dominic Giles) and I will write detailed posts on some of these features which may useful to DBAs and Developers.

AI Vector Search 
Application Development
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Database Drivers and Application Connectivity 
High Availability and Distributed Database
OLTP and Core Database
Spatial and Graph


Application Development




Database Drivers and Application Connectivity 

High Availability and Distributed Database
OLTP and Core Database
Spatial and Graph

Oracle 23c New Features

From various blogs and posts, here is the summary of New features in upcoming release of Oracle database 23c.

OLTP and Core DB:

Accelerate SecureFiles LOB Write Performance
Automatic SecureFiles Shrink
Automatic Transaction Abort
Escrow Column Concurrency Control
Fast Ingest (Memoptimize for Write) Enhancements
Increased Column Limit to 4k
Managing Flashback Database Logs Outside the Fast Recovery Area
Remove One-Touch Restrictions after Parallel DML
Annotations – Define Metadata for Database Objects
SELECT Without the FROM Clause
Usage of Column Alias in GROUP BY and HAVING
Table Value Constructor – Group Multiple Rows of Data in a Single DML or SELECT statement
Better Error Messages to Explain why a Statement Failed to Execute
New Developer Role: dbms_developer_admin.grant_privs(‘JULIAN’);
Schema Level Privileges
RUR’s are transitioning to MRPs (available on Linux x86-64)

Application Development:

Aggregation over INTERVAL Data Types
Asynchronous Programming
Blockchain Table Enhancements
Direct Joins for UPDATE and DELETE Statements
GROUP BY Column Alias or Position
Introduction to Javascript Modules and MLE Environments MLE – Module Calls
New Database Role for Application Developers
OJVM Web Services Callout Enhancement
OJVM Allow HTTP and TCP Access While Disabling Other OS Calls
Oracle Text Indexes with Automatic Maintenance
Sagas for Microservices
SQL Domains
SQL Support for Boolean Datatype
SQL UPDATE RETURN Clause Enhancements
Table Value Constructor
Transparent Application Continuity
Transportable Binary XML
Ubiquitous Search With DBMS_SEARCH Packages
Unicode IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) Support


Improve Performance and Disk Utilization for Hybrid Columnar Compression
Index-Organized Tables (IOTs) Advanced Low Compression

Data Guard:

Per-PDB Data Guard Integration Enhancements

Event Processing:

Advanced Queuing and Transactional Event Queues Enhancements
OKafka (Oracle’s Kafka implementation)
Prometheus/Grafana Observability for Oracle Database


Automatic In-Memory enhancements for improving column store performance


JDBC Enhancements to Transparent Application Continuity
JDBC Support for Native BOOLEAN Datatype
JDBC Support for OAuth2.0 for DB Authentication and Azure AD Integration
JDBC Support for Radius Enhancements (Challenge Response Mode a.k.a. Two Factor Authentication)
JDBC Support for Self-Driven Diagnosability
JDBC-Thin support for longer passwords
UCP Asynchronous Extension


JSON-Relational Duality View


Local Rolling Patching
Oracle RAC on Kubernetes
Sequence Optimizations in Oracle RAC
Simplified Database Deployment
Single-Server Rolling Patching
Smart Connection Rebalance


Ability to Audit Object Actions at the Column Level for Tables and Views
Enhancements to RADIUS Configuration
Increased Oracle Database Password Length: 1024 Byte Password
Schema Privileges to Simplify Access Control
TLS 1.3


JDBC Support for Split Partition Set and Directory based Sharding
New Directory-Based Sharding Method
RAFT Replication
UCP Support for XA Transactions with Oracle Database Sharding

Spatial and Graph:

Native Representation of Graphs in Oracle Database
Spatial: 3D Models and Analytics
Spatial: Spatial Studio UI Support for Point Cloud Features
Support for the ISO/IEC SQL Property Graph Queries (SQL/PGQ) Standard
Use JSON Collections as a Graph Data Source

Source: Lucas Jellema, renenyffenegger, threadreaderapp, phsalvisberg, juliandontcheff

Average Active Sessions (AAS) by Hour

Here is the script and snippet of Average Active Sessions plotted by Hour in Oracle database. This is similar to Oracle Log switch history.

This helps DBA to understand the hourly metric of AAS and determine any spikes of the active sessions for the problematic period or gather some particular trend of AAS.

My first check would be this when some one say during particular time the database performance was slow etc etc. AAS helps us to determine how many active sessions were during that period which threshold to CPU count parameter in the database. If the value is less that CPU count means the database still can process if not database is experiencing load and sessions has to wait for CPU calls.

The query takes max value of the metric Average Active Session from DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY for last 7 days and plot by hourly using decode.

set linesize 300
col day for a11
col 00 format 999999
col 01 format 999999
col 02 format 999999
col 03 format 999999
col 04 format 999999
col 05 format 999999
col 06 format 999999
col 07 format 999999
col 08 format 999999
col 09 format 999999
col 10 format 999999
col 11 format 999999
col 12 format 999999
col 13 format 999999
col 14 format 999999
col 15 format 999999
col 16 format 999999
col 17 format 999999
col 18 format 999999
col 19 format 999999
col 20 format 999999
col 21 format 999999
col 22 format 999999
col 23 format 999999
to_char(begin_time,'DD-MON-YY') Day,
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'00',maxval,NULL)),2) "00",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'01',maxval,NULL)),2) "01",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'02',maxval,NULL)),2) "02",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'03',maxval,NULL)),2) "03",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'04',maxval,NULL)),2) "04",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'05',maxval,NULL)),2) "05",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'06',maxval,NULL)),2) "06",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'07',maxval,NULL)),2) "07",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'08',maxval,NULL)),2) "08",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'09',maxval,NULL)),2) "09",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'10',maxval,NULL)),2) "10",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'11',maxval,NULL)),2) "11",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'12',maxval,NULL)),2) "12",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'13',maxval,NULL)),2) "13",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'14',maxval,NULL)),2) "14",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'15',maxval,NULL)),2) "15",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'16',maxval,NULL)),2) "16",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'17',maxval,NULL)),2) "17",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'18',maxval,NULL)),2) "18",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'19',maxval,NULL)),2) "19",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'20',maxval,NULL)),2) "20",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'21',maxval,NULL)),2) "21",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'21',maxval,NULL)),2) "22",
round(max(decode(to_char(begin_time,'HH24'),'21',maxval,NULL)),2) "23"
from dba_hist_sysmetric_SUMMARY A where BEGIN_TIME > sysdate - 15
and A.METRIC_NAME in('Average Active Sessions') group by to_char(begin_time,'DD-MON-YY') order by to_char(begin_time,'DD-MON-YY') ;

As you see the sessions were spike during 21:00PM to 04:00AM during 14th and 20th dates.

Hope this helps


Oracle 23c

Looks like some more exciting features / enhancements is going to appear in Oracle 23c as per DAOUG presentations. Hope lot more will be announced in OCW22.

From Productivity Stand point view

  1. 4K Columns
  2. SQL Domains
  3. JSON Schema
  4. Developer Role
  5. Schema-Level Privileges
  6. JS Stored Procedures
  7. Single Server rolling maintenance
  8. Native property graphs

From Simplicity stand

  1. Rest API's for auto upgrade
  2. Oracle RAC on K8s
  3. Easier Time Zone data upgrade
  4. 1024 Bytes Passwords
  5. PLSQL to SQL Transfer & vice versa
  6. OAuth 2.0 Integration
  7. Better Return clause
  8. Oracle <--> Kafka Integration ( I written this sometime back)
  9. Better Ora Error Messages

For Easier Cloud Migration

  1. Auto upgrade with keystore access
  2. Auto upgrade unplug/plug
  3. ZDM Support for Standby DB
  4. ZDM support for DG Broker
  5. Cloud pre migration assessment tool

Source:, DAOUG - presentation by Gerald Venzl


Time Series Analysis – Predict Alerts & Events

Hello All,

This post is intended to give you an understanding of upcoming series of Timeseries analysis and how it can be useful to predict issues that may arise in future or predict growth etc.

Think of this, Many of the SRE's or admins work today mostly by doing reactive fixes (some may not) as they get alerted for something and they will fix it.

How about predicting those occurrences and adjust them proactive. isn't your oncall or day job is easy?

In my point of view (other may differ), most of our incidents, alerts that we receive are timestamped with there possible threshold breach value of that metric and they are exactly time series data as like other data sets like share price, weather, population. etc. And if you want to learn some machine learning or AI/ML models why cant we play with our own data and do a meaningful research or POC for productive result instead downloading datasets of irrelevant and do practices on them.

Here is it, as we figured out we have the time series data what all we can do.

Typically these are the alerts that we get as SRE's or Admins,

  1. Service Down/up
  2. Filesystem Alert
  3. Storage Growth
  4. High number of connections
  5. High Load Averages
  6. I/O Latencies
  7. DB Response Time

Is it not? So what can we do with them.

Per say, If we have data of that particular server up/down for last 12 months or 30 days, we can predict and tell what is the probability that this server can go down or particular can down in next 30 days.

Or, if we have data of filesystem alerts of last 6 months, we can foresee when the filesystem reach 100 percent based on usage in past.

And, we can predict when is the database response time is going to be bad based on previous data points by gathering SQL response metric from Oracle database.

All we can do is to do Time series analysis and do prediction using Linear Regression models using python statsmodels, sclearnkit, fbprophet etc.

Hope you got the gist of what I am going to do in next few posts.

  1. Intro - Time Series analysis Fundamentals
  2. Time Series analysis using python statsmodel, ARIMA
  3. Time Series analysis using fpprophet
  4. Conclusion

Let me post what could be the out come of doing this. Ex: Database growth and filesystem growth predictions.

OML4PY – Embedded Python Libraries in Oracle Database

Learn how to use Machine Learning with in Oracle Database using OML4PY.

Oracle database 20c or 21c ?

20c Preview edition and its features porting to 21c and here is the update from AIOUG Sangam 2020 and a pictorial representation of upcoming release model. Thanks to Jenny Tsai Smith and Rich Niemiec for sharing this.

Source : AIOUG Sangam20, Twitter, Oracle

Database Service Availability Summary – Grafana Dashboard

Database landscape become vast and we have seen unprecedented growth and usage of many database technologies in the organizations and no one size fit for all tool is available in the market to monitor all of those databases.

I have started the journey with Prometheus monitoring couple of years back and found its very promising and currently we monitor all of open source databases (as it stand today, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Neo4j, Cassandra, Mongodb,Elasticsearch). The rich grafana dashboards and the community contribution for exporters is really great

All I did not found is a Service Availability summary of all databases dashboard which tells me the % of database availability during the period which will be a obvious KPI for any Operations team.

I have looked around and could not find anything, so started creating my own dashboard and a good learning to me too.

Here are the snippets for the same, which provide summary of service availability of all databases that you are currently tagged to prometheus. All you need to have is the label "tech" and "env" so then all good. The source of the data is "prometheus" you can change once you deploy the dashboard in grafana.

Dashboard json can be downloaded from , here

Hope this help to you too.

Oracle 19c & 20c : Machine Learning Additions into Database

Oracle 19c and 20c (preview) now contains Machine Learning algorithms directly can called from database itself. And as I am not at all expert in this and I was looking for right examples and came across this superb video on how to use them from none other than oracle analytics expert "Brendan Tierney"

Oracle 19c has RandomForest, NeuralNetworks, Timeseries analysis

Oracle 20c has MSET and XGBoost

Great video and worth time spent and learnt new stuff.

Oracle 20c: Automatic Index Optimization

Starting 20c, one do not need to bother about index rebuilding, shrinking, managing them. We can automate this using feature Automatic Data Optimization option + marking the indexing to certain tier/policies.

The optimization process includes actions such as compressing, shrinking, or rebuilding the indexes:

  • Compress: Compresses portions of the key values in an index segment (~3 times)
  • Shrink: Merges the contents of index blocks where possible to free blocks for reuse
  • Rebuild: Rebuilds an index to improve space usage and access speed

How to get started

SQL> alter system set HEAT_MAP = ON;

And there are two options ,

ADD POLICY TIER in order to perform the operation on a say low cost/ tier 2 tablespace when tier 1 storage is under space pressure

ADD POLICY OPTIMIZE in order to kick off the process after a certain number of days passes without accessing the index

Some examples

  • Alter index index1 on schema.table(col1) ILM add policy optimize after 10 days of no modifications;
  • Alter index index1 ILM add policy tier tablespacename;
  • Alter index index1 on schema.table(col1) ILM add policy optimize after 5 days of no access;

License required for Advanced compression option and ADO