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12c Database : ASM Enhancements : Increased storage limits

Just to make a note here, (From Jafar notes)

The ASM storage hard limits on maximum ASM disk groups and disk size has been drastically increased.

In 12cR1, ASM support 511 ASM disk groups against 63 ASM disk groups in 11gR2.

Also, an ASM disk can be now 32PB size against 20PB in 11gR2.

Excerpt from the documentation for easy reference.

ASM groups, disks, and files:

  • 511 disk groups in a storage system

  • 10,000 Oracle ASM disks in a storage system

  • 1 million files for each disk group

Without any Oracle Exadata Storage, Oracle ASM has the following storage limits if the COMPATIBLE.ASM disk group attribute is set to less than 12.1:

  • 2 terabytes (TB) maximum storage for each Oracle ASM disk

  • 20 petabytes (PB) maximum for the storage system

Without any Oracle Exadata Storage, Oracle ASM has the following storage limits if the COMPATIBLE.ASM disk group attribute is set to 12.1 or greater:

  • 4 PB maximum storage for each Oracle ASM disk with the allocation unit (AU) size equal to 1 MB

  • 8 PB maximum storage for each Oracle ASM disk with the AU size equal to 2 MB

  • 16 PB maximum storage for each Oracle ASM disk with the AU size equal to 4 MB

  • 32 PB maximum storage for each Oracle ASM disk with the AU size equal to 8 MB

  • 320 exabytes (EB) maximum for the storage system


Geek DBA

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