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12c Database : New Parameters in place

The following are the parameters are introduced newly in 12c. (Note I have compared them with Database)

Excluded _Parameters


select KSPPINM, KSPPDESC from x$ksppi where con_id=1
select KSPPINM, KSPPDESC from t2@Geek DBA11g
order by 1,2

awr_snapshot_time_offset                  Setting for AWR Snapshot Time Offset
cell_offloadgroup_name                    Set the offload group name
clonedb                                   clone database
connection_brokers                        connection brokers specification
cursor_bind_capture_destination           Allowed destination for captured bind variables
db_big_table_cache_percent_target         Big table cache target size in percentage
db_index_compression_inheritance          options for table or tablespace level compression inheritance
db_unrecoverable_scn_tracking             Track nologging SCN in controlfile
dnfs_batch_size                           Max number of dNFS asynch I/O requests queued per session
enable_pluggable_database                 Enable Pluggable Database
heat_map                                  ILM Heatmap Tracking
max_string_size                           controls maximum size of VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW types in SQL
nls_timestamp_tz_format                   timestamp with timezone format
noncdb_compatible                         Non-CDB Compatible
optimizer_adaptive_features               controls adaptive features
optimizer_adaptive_reporting_only         use reporting-only mode for adaptive optimizations
parallel_degree_level                     adjust the computed degree in percentage
parallel_degree_policy                    policy used to compute the degree of parallelism (MANUAL/LIMITED/AUTO/ADAPTIVE)
parallel_fault_tolerance_enabled          enables or disables fault-tolerance for parallel statement
pdb_file_name_convert                     PDB file name convert patterns and strings for create cdb/pdb
pga_aggregate_limit                       limit of aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
processor_group_name                      Name of the processor group that this instance should run in.
spatial_vector_acceleration               enable spatial vector acceleration
temp_undo_enabled                         is temporary undo enabled
threaded_execution                        Threaded Execution Mode
unified_audit_sga_queue_size              Size of Unified audit SGA Queue
use_dedicated_broker                      Use dedicated connection broker
use_large_pages                           Use large pages if available (TRUE/FALSE/ONLY)


Geek DBA

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