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12c Database : Reporting mode for statistics jobs and compare statistics jobs

Before to 12c, we have a problem to revert back to a question, how much time does the statistics operation will run?

This is common problem, as we cannot anticipate the time and its depend on the various factors that will take place at time of statistics job execution.

To accomplish this we will have to use queries written here

Now, from 12c onwards there are reporting feasibility with statistics jobs , rather running actual you can run in reporting mode and see the details and revert back to the question above.

The following are sub programs for dbms_stats package where you can run the respective statistics collection in reporting mode.


For example, If I want to know the report for Schema OE statistics job, what all it will collect including histograms.

Scroll to right, you can see the full report.

variable myreport clob;
set long 1000000
:myreport := dbms_stats.report_gather_schema_stats
(ownname =>'OE',

SQL> SQL> print myreport

| Operation Id | Operation           | Target | Start Time | End Time | Status | Total Tasks | Successful      | Failed Tasks | Active Tasks | Job Name | Session Id | Additional Info              |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             | Tasks           |              |              |          |           |                               |
| 711          | gather_schema_stats | OE     |            |          |        | 47          |                 |              |              |          |           | Parameters: [block_sample:   |
|              | (reporting mode)    |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | FALSE] [cascade: NULL]        |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [concurrent: FALSE] [degree: |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | ] [estimate_percent:          |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE] |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [force: FALSE]                |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [gather_fixed: FALSE]         |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [gather_temp: FALSE]          |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [granularity: AUTO]           |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [method_opt: FOR ALL COLUMNS |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | SIZE AUTO] [no_invalidate:   |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | NULL] [options: GATHER]       |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [ownname: OE]                 |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [reporting_mode: TRUE]        |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [statid: ] [statown: ]        |
|              |                     |        |            |          |        |             |                 |              |              |          |           | [stattab: ] [stattype: DATA] |
|                                                                                                                                                                    |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|                                                                                              T A S K S                                                             |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | Target                            | Type  | Start  | End    | Status | Rank | Job    | Estimated | Batching | Histogram Columns                             | Extended | Additional |       |
|      |                                   |       | Time   | Time   |        |      | Name   | Cost      | Info     |                                               | Stats     | Info       |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ACTION_TABLE                   | TABLE |        |        |        | 1    |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009916                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 1/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CATEGORIES_TAB                 | TABLE |        |        |        | 2    |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009921                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 2/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009922                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 2/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009923                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 2/3  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009924                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 2/4  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CUSTOMERS                      | TABLE |        |        |        | 3    |        | N/A       | N/A      | (3) SYS_NC00008$;SYS_NC00009$;ACCOUNT_MGR_ID;  |          |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CUST_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_IX        | INDEX |        |        |        | 3/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CUST_LNAME_IX                  | INDEX |        |        |        | 3/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CUST_EMAIL_IX                  | INDEX |        |        |        | 3/3  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CUST_UPPER_NAME_IX             | INDEX |        |        |        | 3/4  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.CUSTOMERS_PK                   | INDEX |        |        |        | 3/5  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.INVENTORIES                    | TABLE |        |        |        | 4    |        | N/A       | N/A      | (2) PRODUCT_ID;WAREHOUSE_ID;                  |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.INV_PRODUCT_IX                 | INDEX |        |        |        | 4/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.INVENTORY_IX                   | INDEX |        |        |        | 4/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.LINEITEM_TABLE                 | TABLE |        |        |        | 5    |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009917                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 5/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORDERS                         | TABLE |        |        |        | 6    |        | N/A       | N/A      | (3) ORDER_MODE;CUSTOMER_ID;SALES_REP_ID;       |          |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORD_SALES_REP_IX               | INDEX |        |        |        | 6/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORD_CUSTOMER_IX                | INDEX |        |        |        | 6/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORD_ORDER_DATE_IX              | INDEX |        |        |        | 6/3  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORDER_PK                       | INDEX |        |        |        | 6/4  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORDER_ITEMS                    | TABLE |        |        |        | 7    |        | N/A       | N/A      | (4) ORDER_ID;PRODUCT_ID;UNIT_PRICE;QUANTITY;   |          |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ITEM_ORDER_IX                  | INDEX |        |        |        | 7/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ITEM_PRODUCT_IX                | INDEX |        |        |        | 7/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORDER_ITEMS_PK                 | INDEX |        |        |        | 7/3  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ORDER_ITEMS_UK                 | INDEX |        |        |        | 7/4  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS           | TABLE |        |        |        | 8    |        | N/A       | N/A      | (1) PRODUCT_ID;                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PRD_DESC_PK                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 8/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PROD_NAME_IX                   | INDEX |        |        |        | 8/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PRODUCT_INFORMATION            | TABLE |        |        |        | 9    |        | N/A       | N/A      | (4)                                           |   |            |       |
|      |                                   |       |        |        |        |      |        |           |          | PRODUCT_NAME;CATEGORY_ID;LIST_PRICE;MIN_PRICE; |          |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PROD_SUPPLIER_IX               | INDEX |        |        |        | 9/1  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PRODUCT_INFORMATION_PK         | INDEX |        |        |        | 9/2  |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PRODUCT_REF_LIST_NESTEDTAB     | TABLE |        |        |        | 10   |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_FK0000091701N00007$        | INDEX |        |        |        | 10/1 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PROMOTIONS                     | TABLE |        |        |        | 11   |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PROMO_ID_PK                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 11/1 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.PURCHASEORDER                  | TABLE |        |        |        | 12   |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.LINEITEM_TABLE_MEMBERS         | INDEX |        |        |        | 12/1 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.ACTION_TABLE_MEMBERS           | INDEX |        |        |        | 12/2 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_C009920                    | INDEX |        |        |        | 12/3 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SUBCATEGORY_REF_LIST_NESTEDTAB | TABLE |        |        |        | 13   |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.SYS_FK0000091701N00009$        | INDEX |        |        |        | 13/1 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.WAREHOUSES                     | TABLE |        |        |        | 14   |        | N/A       | N/A      | (1) LOCATION_ID;                              |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.WHS_LOCATION_IX                | INDEX |        |        |        | 14/1 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|      | OE.WAREHOUSES_PK                  | INDEX |        |        |        | 14/2 |        | N/A       | N/A      |                                               |   |            |       |
|      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|                                                                                                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                                                                    |


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