From 12c Onwards, Oracle statistics gathering has been improvised and after bulk load operations the statistics will be gather automatically. Earlier, Create as select , or Insert as select operations required manual statistics gathering, where in this has been removed now. The following bulk operations is supportive for automatic statistics gather on fly.
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT INSERT INTO ... SELECT into an empty table using a direct path insert INSERT INTO ... SELECT into a non-empty table, partition, or subpartition
However there are Restrictions for those object that:-
The objects must not belong to SYS. It is in an Oracle-owned schema such as SYS. It is a nested table. It is an index-organized table (IOT). It is an external table. It is a global temporary table defined as ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS. It has virtual columns. It has a PUBLISH preference set to FALSE. It is partitioned, INCREMENTAL is set to true, and extended syntax is not used.
Let's do a quick test.
SQL> conn test/test@pdb12c Connected. SQL> create table t4 as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> select table_name,num_rows,last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name='T4'; TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS LAST_ANAL -------------------- ---------- --------- T4 90776 15-SEP-13
As You see, the last analyzed column is updated and num_rows also, In addition to that, now dba_tab_col_statistics has a new column "notes" where the value updated for this type is stats_on_load
SQL> select column_name,table_name,notes from dba_tab_col_statistics where table_name='T4'; COLUMN_NAME TABLE_NAME NOTES ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------- ORACLE_MAINTAINED T4 STATS_ON_LOAD EDITIONABLE T4 STATS_ON_LOAD SHARING T4 STATS_ON_LOAD EDITION_NAME T4 STATS_ON_LOAD NAMESPACE T4 STATS_ON_LOAD SECONDARY T4 STATS_ON_LOAD GENERATED T4 STATS_ON_LOAD TEMPORARY T4 STATS_ON_LOAD STATUS T4 STATS_ON_LOAD TIMESTAMP T4 STATS_ON_LOAD LAST_DDL_TIME T4 STATS_ON_LOAD COLUMN_NAME TABLE_NAME NOTES ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------- CREATED T4 STATS_ON_LOAD OBJECT_TYPE T4 STATS_ON_LOAD DATA_OBJECT_ID T4 STATS_ON_LOAD OBJECT_ID T4 STATS_ON_LOAD SUBOBJECT_NAME T4 STATS_ON_LOAD OBJECT_NAME T4 STATS_ON_LOAD OWNER T4 STATS_ON_LOAD 18 rows selected.
This feature is extremely helpful where lot of bulk load operations performed and required manual statistics collection.
-Thanks Geek DBA
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