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12c Database : Create PDB’s , Plug & Unplug

Create & Plug and Unplug PDB's

To Create PDB's the following methods can be followed


  • From PDB Seed

Cloning from a existing PDB using

  • Locally
  • Remotely through DB Link

Plugging in

  • Plugging in an unplugged DB (unplug and plug as database into same container database)
  • Plugging in a NON-CDB  as a PDB (NON-CDB database converting to PDB database into a container database)

Before getting Started the options or clauses using for Create/Alter Pluggable database are

Storage Limits :- You can specify the limit of the size of the PDB you create  

MAX_SIZE = The amount of storage that can be used by all tablespaces that belong to the PDB
MAX_SHARED_TEMP_SIZE = The amount of storage in the default temporary tablespace shared by all PDBs that can be used by sessions connected to the PDB

File Locations

    PATH_PREFIX = Restricting the PDB to specified directory so that all files placed in this directory
    Example:- PATH_PREFIX = '/disk1/oracle/dbs/salespdb/'

    FILE_NAME_CONVERT = Convert the location of the files to this location while creating PDB
    Example:- FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/oracle/dbs/', '/oracle/pdb5/')
    Note: If this parameter is not set, Oracle looks for pdb_file_name_convert parameter and converts accordingly

    SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT= When unplugging and plugging databases, Using this parameter will convert the names of the files that different of XML
    SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/disk1/oracle/pdb7/', '/disk2/oracle/pdb7/')

Temp File Reuse

    TEMPFILE Reuse:- Clause reuse the temp file in the location that PDB going to create.

Snapshot copy



Task Method Description Command
Create PDB Copying From Seed PDB creates a PDB (Assuming OMF is enabled or PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT is specified) SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE salespdb ADMIN USER salesadm IDENTIFIED BY password;
  Copying From Seed PDB creates a PDB with a pdb dba role assigned to user SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE salespdb ADMIN USER salesadm IDENTIFIED BY password ROLES=(DBA);
  Copying From Seed PDB
  • A PDB with name SALESPDB to be create
    Admin user (local) salesadm to be create
    Size of tablespaces should not exceed more than 2gb
  • Shared Temporary tables should not exceed by this PDB database session by 100m
  • Default tablespace set as sales and datafile as below with 250M
  • all the files that creates in this PDB automatically relative to
  • this /disk1/oracle/dbs/salespdb/ path
    file name Convert the seed location to target location

STORAGE (MAXSIZE 2G MAX_SHARED_TEMP_SIZE 100M) DEFAULT TABLESPACE sales        DATAFILE '/disk1/oracle/dbs/salespdb/sales01.dbf' SIZE 250M AUTOEXTEND ON 
PATH_PREFIX = '/disk1/oracle/dbs/salespdb/' 
FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/disk1/oracle/dbs/pdbseed/', '/disk1/oracle/dbs/salespdb/');

  Cloning DB Local Example clones a PDB1 to PDB2 SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb2 FROM pdb1;
    example clones a PDB1 to PDB2 with the path_prefix changes and changing the file name paths SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb2 FROM pdb1
PATH_PREFIX = '/disk2/oracle/pdb2'
FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/disk1/oracle/pdb1/', '/disk2/oracle/pdb2/');
    Cloning from local PDB with storage limit clauses

FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/disk1/oracle/pdb1/', '/disk2/oracle/pdb2/')

  Clone DB from Remote Creates a PDB from a remote PDB SQL CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb2 FROM pdb1@pdb1_link;
Plugging IN Unplug and plug as new To unplug first check the compatibility and also to flat xml file

set serveroutput on

   compatible BOOLEAN := FALSE;
        pdb_descr_file => '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml');
   if compatible then
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable PDB1 compatible? YES');
   else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable PDB1 compatible? NO');
   end if;

    Plug the database using NOCOPY
Means all the datafiles should be in same location no copy required

create pluggable database pdb_plug_nocopy using '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml'

Verify the status

select pdb_name, status from cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_COPY';

select open_mode from v$pdbs where name='PDB_PLUG_COPY';

alter pluggable database pdb_plug_nocopy open;

    Plug the database using COPY method
Means all the datafiles should be copied from location to target location

mkdir /u01/app/oracle/oradata/cdb2/pdb_plug_copy

sqlplus / as sysdba

create pluggable database pdb_plug_copy using '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb2.xml'

Verify the status

select pdb_name, status from cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_COPY';

select open_mode from v$pdbs where name='PDB_PLUG_COPY';

alter pluggable database pdb_plug_copy open;

    Plug the database using MOVE method when cloning

mkdir /u01/app/oracle/oradata/cdb2/pdb_plug_move

sqlplus / as sysdba

create pluggable database pdb_plug_move
AS CLONE using '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb2.xml'

Verify the status

select pdb_name, status from cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_MOVE';

select open_mode from v$pdbs where name='PDB_PLUG_MOVE';

alter pluggable database pdb_plug_move open;

Unplugging Unplug database from CDB Unplug and export to Flat xml file

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb3 close immediate;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb3 unplug into '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb3_unplug.xml';

Pluggable database altered.

Convert NON-CDB database to PDB Convert NON-CDB database to PDB 1) Upgrade the Non-CDB if the database is pre 12c
2) Open the database in readonly
3) Execute DBMS_PDB
4) Use Create Pluggable database
5) Execute the script noncdb_to_pdb.sql
1) Upgrade and set comptabile = 12.0.0
2) OPen the database in readonly mode
3) Execute the dbms_pdb package describe procedure
BEGIN DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE( pdb_descr_file => '/disk1/oracle/ncdb.xml'); END; /
4) Shutdown the non-cdb database
5) If in same server your CDB database contains
CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ncdb USING '/disk1/oracle/ncdb.xml' COPY FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('/disk1/oracle/dbs/', '/disk2/oracle/ncdb/');
6) Execute the script
7) Open the read write mode new PDB

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