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Oracle Flashback options

A brief history about Oracle Flashback , its starting version, various enhancements, What it uses to manage the flashback.

Version Flashback Option available Provides Uses Depends on
9i Flashback Query allows the user to query the data at some point-in-time in the past to reconstruct the lost data that may have been deleted or changed by accident Undo undo_retention
10g Flashback Version Query provides a mechanism to view changes made to the database over the time at row level undo undo_retention
10g Flashback Transaction Query provides a mechanism to view changes made to the database at the transaction level , dba_transaction_query you can view the versions of statements for that transactions and revert to particular statement undo undo_retention
10g Flashback Table provides the ability to recover a table, a set of tables to the specific point in time undo undo_retention
10g Flashback Drop provides a safety net when dropping objects as you can very quickly and easily undo the drop recyclebin recyclebin on
10g Flashback database is a new strategy for doing point-in-time recovery. It quickly rewinds an Oracle database to a previous time to correct any problems cause by logical data corruption or by human mistakes flashbacklogs
uses rvwr bg process
flashback area
10g Flashback Standby Database This flashback feature improves the switchover and failover time of a standby database. You no longer need to specify a log apply delay, because you can now roll back the standby database if an error occurs on the primary and is propagated to the standby. Useful when there is a logical corruption to avoid same propagated to standby flashback logs/archives delay option with automatic recovery
recover managed standby database delay 60 disconnect;
10g Flashback Reinstantiation This flashback feature reduces the need to instantiate the old primary database following a failover. This in turn lets you restore full resiliency after a failure more quickly. You can do this by using the SQL statement FLASHBACK DATABASE to roll back the primary database in time to synchronize with the standby database. select standby_became
_primary_scn from v$database;
flashback old primary to the scn came from standby (current primary)
11gR1 Flashback Data Archive

(Total Recall)

provides support for querying the history data using the familiar flashback feature (flash back query) with sql construct clause “AS of”, beyond the undo retention or flash back archive limit A separate flashback archive tablespace and uses fdba bg process object clause Retention
alter table employees flashback archive <ts>;


Hope this helps, this information is gathered from different sources and updated here in, if any of above seems inaccurate please update me , will correct the same.


Geek DBA

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