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Convert Single instance to rac to a different server

Convert Single Instance (ASM) to RAC Instance (ASM) to different Server

Assuming you have already the following environment setup and ready

    1. 11gr2 Clusterware is already installed on your target machine (XYZ)     2. Target xyz is configured with +DATA as diskgroup     2. Source ABC is having single instance in ASM […]

OEL 6.5 Kernel Not supporting to ACFS/ADVM

We have been running into issues in a training , that OEL 6.5 Kernel not shipped with ADVM/ACFS and deliberatly I have to get back to 6.3 or lesser kernel for 12c.

acfsload start -s gives the following error

acfs-9459: advm/acfs is not supported on this os version

Once I have installed the kernel 6.3 […]

CRS Startup : Oracle ORA-21561 : OID generation failed

After long time, I have been writing back now. I will running through a series of posts from now on Grid infrastructure issues.

The first one is Oracle ORA-21561 : OID generation failed

While starting crs / Adding the node the crs alert log will show the error Oracle ORA-21561 : OID generation failed

This […]

RACONENODE : convert your rac database to active/passive

Configuring RACONENODE in RAC database.

We all know that Oracle RAC is active/active configuration, but due to application compatibility (the design part like cache fusion incompatibilities etc) you will need to stick to active/passive configuration but you want High availability solution and you do not want to use any third party clustering like VCS, Answer […]

Step by Step Migrating RAC Database to a new Cluster

Excellent step by step document from my colleague, Venkat, with his kind permission I am publishing the same for all benefit.

Please note the following can be done using Duplicate database from active database without moving any backups etc. But that is another variant.

########################################################################################### Copy RAC database to another RAC Server ###########################################################################################

Task: Copy […]

12c: Step by Step 12c RAC DB Installation on Linux 64bit using Virtual Box

The first part I.e Grid Infrastructure (RAC) Installation is here

And the Final part You can download it from here

-Thanks Geek DBA

An oldie: srvconfig 9i rac days, still useful in 11gr2

To Export cluster registry

    $srvconfig -exp file_name

To Import Cluster registry

    $srvconfig -imp file_name

To Upgrade the database cluster registry and database configuration

    $srvconfig -upgrade -dbname database_name -orahome oracle_homename

To Downgrade the database cluster registry and database configuration (This is rarely used in case of any […]

RAC: Recover lost voting and OCR Disks from backup

We have a lost voting disks issue yesterday, this occurs due to incorrect aliases or the device mapper persistent names have been changed after storage upgradation/migration.

CRS was not up and showing the error below Obviously the CSSD , cssd.log

No voting disks founds

So, we have lost the voting and OCR disks. […]

Quick Question: What happens when run in rac installation?


I am bumped on the following to answer in a exact sequential way, hence want to note it here.

While in a rac installation, when you run , what are the sequence of actions that take place?

Node 1 Initial Setup Setup OLR for storing Oracle local registry data Setup GPnP wallet and […]

Installer has detected that the diskgroup name provided already exists on the system.


After a failed crs installation, we have removed everything by using deconfigure and deinstall utility and freshly started the grid infrastruction installation, and we got this error

Checking Temp space: must be greater than 120 MB. Actual 2395 MB Passed Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 32767 MB Passed […]