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ASM : ASMCMD in 12c

New ASMCMD commands, now ASMCMD has the ability to do password file management, patches on asm instances, and version

pwcopy Copies a password file to the specified location. pwcreate Creates a password file at the specified location. pwdelete Deletes a password file at the specified location. pwget Returns the location of the password file. pwmove […]

Do you know about asmdf?

If someone ask you that how to know about asm diskgroups without logging to asm, then answer this. ASM datafile system (ACFS?)

rac2$ asmdf Filesystem        SizeKB     UsedKB           AvailKB              Use%     Mounted on +DATA01        15687104    10959872     4727232           60.56%      DATA01

This works really, but no documentation at all. If some one knows about this let me know.



Just watch out for processess parameter in ASM instance

If you have an asm instances with multiple databases using it, you may just need to watch out for processess parameter, yes you heard it right

See below:- ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: ‘+ASMDISK1/testdb/redo01.log’ ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +ASMDISK1/testdb/redo01.log ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (100) […]

ASM : Intelligent Data Placement (IDP)

Starting 11gr2,

ASM now classifies reads/writes into two – COLD and HOT. As you guessed, HOT read/writes are those coming from the blocks which are classified as HOT – meaning placed in the outer sectors. COLD is the default – meaning data placed in inner sectors. Data blocks of most often accessed segments are […]

ACFS Resize: ACFS filesystem resize or adding some disks

Adding Disk to diskgroup and resize of volume with added disk

Remember, in previous post, we have two disks one utilized for /u04/acfstest which is 1.8gb, now am going to add another disk to the existing group which it can increase upto 4gb.

I got /dev/oracleasm/disks/ACFSDISK2

First check what is the size of current /u04/acfstest […]

ACFS: Oracle ACFS Snapshots – A backups inside your OS directories of the directories,

ACFS snapshots are the snapshot of the directories that taken as a snap for particular time period. For example your restore point in database, all changes can be reverted until that point. Similarly with ACFS the directories also can be managed to revert to specific point in time to when the snapshot is created. Let’s […]

ASM: ACFS Filesystem , practiced and explained.

Background:- According to documentation here

A lot more on that part in documentation,

How about creating a database home on the ASM Diskgroups? How about using my asm diskgroups to store my backups or any other generic files? How about using my asm diskgroup as cluster filesystem like vxfs

Well the answer is ACFS!!!! […]

ASM: ASM Disk status “_DROPPED_0001_****”


Thanks to my colleague(Bhanu) fo raising this,

Issue with ASM disks not persistent in reboot (due to some mis configuration in creating devices or its assignments, thats a different story) causing ASM disks to be failed, fortunately the Voting Disk and the OCR were on the normal redundancy group which does not lid […]

ASM Scripts: Automatics Storage Management Scripts

Here I log, some important ASM scripts which are very useful for me as well as a ready reference for you all.

Before to scripts, here are the important views respective to ASM instances.

View Name ASM Instance DB Instance V$ASM_DISKGROUP Describes a disk group (number, name, size related info, state, and redundancy type) Contains […]

ASM: Copy files To and from – ASM


In this post, we will look different ways of copying Files between OS and ASM.

Before to that we see what are the tools available for the same.

XML DB – enables file transfer since Oracle 10gR1

XML DB creates a virtual folder /sys/asm and makes it accessible via ftp or http. You will […]