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Oracle 12.2 New Features : Oracle Sharding on its Way

DBA's , Oracle is coming with Sharding.  The one killer feature that No-SQL databases claiming distributed processing with sharding aka a non-shared database storage.

Now with release 12.2 Oracle releasing Sharding feature, with new command "Create Sharded Table" and with a catalog schema, well hold on second , its basically distributed partitioning relied on partitioning feature and standby and you need a license for it :). Oh No common...

I really want to dirt my hands on this feature hearing of many new databases from past few years, and I want to tell "Hey Oracle supports this too" 🙂

From the internet sources and OOW presentations, what I understood from Oracle Sharding , Looks complex to me not a simple as like other databases.

  •  uses dbca for creating shards intially
  •  use a new catalog called GSM (global service manager a features introduced in 11.2)
  •  and catalog contains sharded nodes and key information(mongo config instance)
  •  can be created by using "Create Sharded Table" command
  •  uses consistent hashing with either Traditional hashing/Linear Hashing (even) 
  •  is based on Distributed Partitioning (licensing)
  •  needs standby databases (active dataguard and its licences)
  •  uses set of tablespaces for each shard
  •  uses dblinks for getting data from each shard
  •  use GSM service and clients need to use this service for their connection (like mongos )
  •  uses listener to redirect the connection to right shard for your data (ex: mongo router instance)

What best with this feature is , Unlike Many NoSQL featurs lack of capability having RDBMS and ACID complaince with distributed processing capabilities , whilst if Oracle can keep this sharding simple then this can be a whistle blower to all other new databases.


Geek DBA

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