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Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 13 : Memory Management


Memory Calculation for Cassandra (kind of sga setting 🙂 will be done during environment setup with following script excerpt. if you want you can change accordingly this script and restart the cassandra.




half_system_memory_in_mb=`expr $system_memory_in_mb / 2`

quarter_system_memory_in_mb=`expr $half_system_memory_in_mb / 2`

if [ “$half_system_memory_in_mb” -gt “1024” ]



Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 12 : Client Connections & Timeouts

We also set timeouts for client side,

TNSNAMES.ora or sqlnet.ora (Client Side)

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~/.ccm/repository/4.5.2/resources/cassandra/conf $ vi cqlshrc.default

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~/.ccm/repository/4.5.2/resources/cassandra/conf $

Set the client_timeout as like sqlnet.ora timeout setting


hostname =

port = 9160



Node Communication Settings * Timeouts


root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/resources/cassandra/conf $

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/resources/cassandra/conf […]

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 11 : Alert log & Tracing

Alert Log and tracing Parameters in Cassandra.yaml


root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~ $ ccm node1 nodetool getlogginglevels

Logger Name Log Level

root INFO

org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore WARN

org.apache.thrift.server.TNonblockingServer FATAL

org.apache.solr.handler.component WARN WARN

org.apache.solr.update WARN

org.apache.solr.core.CassandraSolrConfig WARN

SolrValidationLog INFO

org.apache.solr.core.RequestHandlers WARN

org.apache.solr.util.plugin.AbstractPluginLoader WARN

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~ $

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/logs $ ls -ltr

total 528


Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 10: Commit Logs (Managing Archivelogs & Redlogs)

Archive Logs & Redologs (commit logs) Parameters that need to effect.

commitlog_directory: /root/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/commitlogs

commitlog_directory: /root/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/commitlogs

commitlog_segment_size_in_mb: 32

commitlog_sync: periodic

commitlog_sync_period_in_ms: 10000

/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/resources/cassandra/conf/ file to keep archive_command

Argument 1 will give you the path to the files you’d want to copy, while

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 9 : Creating Users & Granting Privileges

Create User in cassandra involve to change the parameter in cassandra.yaml and authentication mode.

# Authentication backend, implementing IAuthenticator; used to identify users

# Out of the box, Cassandra provides org.apache.cassandra.auth.{AllowAllAuthenticator,

# PasswordAuthenticator}.

# DSE also provides a Kerberos authenticator for external authentication.


# – AllowAllAuthenticator performs no checks – set it […]

Cassandra for Oracle DBA Part 8: Data Dictionary Overview

cqlsh> select * from system.sstable_activity;

keyspace_name | columnfamily_name | generation | rate_120m | rate_15m


PortfolioDemo | StockHist | 2 | 0 | 0

PortfolioDemo | Portfolios | 5 | 0 | 0

PortfolioDemo | Stocks | 5 | 0 | 0

PortfolioDemo | StockHist | 3 | 0 | […]