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12c Database: New groups for OS Authentication and New Sys roles and users

From 12c onwards we have seperate roles to be created for OS Authentication

Prior to 12c we have OSDBA, OSOPER, OSASM, OSDBA, OSOPER groups

From 12c onwards,

	OSBACKUPDBA maps to backupdba by default and is used to allow users to backup the database. Users in this group can connect as SYSBACKUP and have their privileges limited to what is needed for backup and recovery operations.

	OSDGDBA typically maps to dgdba and is used to administer and monitor Data Guard configurations. Members of the group can connect as SYSDBG)

	OSKMDBA typically maps to kmdba and allows the user connecting with the SYSKM role to perform key management and encryption tasks.

So first of all you have to create the required OS groups along with new 11g groups

	for i in asmdba asmadmin oinstall dba backupdba kmdba dgdba; do
	  groupadd $i

Add the oinstall user as secondary group for all the groups you have created

	# useradd -g oinstall -G asmdba,dba,backupdba,dgdba,kmdba oracle
	# passwd oracle

Create the asmdba, asmadmin, grid users

	# useradd -g oinstall -G asmdba,asmadmin grid

# passwd grid

After you install 12c and select the above groups appropriately, the following database users will be created for you

	SQL> select username,account_status
	  2  from dba_users
	  3  where username like 'SYS%';

	-------------------- --------------------------------
	SYS                  OPEN
	SYSTEM               OPEN
	SYSKM                EXPIRED & LOCKED
	SYSDG                EXPIRED & LOCKED

Upon checking the password file users you find the respective roles assigned to the users created.

	SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;

	------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
	SYS                            TRUE  TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE          0
	SYSDG                          FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE          1
	SYSBACKUP                      FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE          1
	SYSKM                          FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE           1

For example if you want to take a backup of rman (suppose you belongs to a team who has to do backups )

	rman / as sysbackup

Geek DBA

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